At Quay Pharmaceuticals, we have over 10 years of extensive development and manufacturing experience converting controlled substances into a variety of different dosage forms.
Therefore, you can have complete assurance in our proficiency to deliver your project with controlled substances quickly and efficiently.
Our Deeside facility is fully licensed by the UK Home Office to possess, produce and supply controlled substances covering schedules I to IV (parts I and II). As required by the Home Office, the Deeside site has the required physical security processes as well as tightly controlled procedures, administrative controls, and accountability processes that are carried out by experienced, highly qualified staff.
Quay has worked with both synthetic and plant extract controlled materials and arranged import or export licences with the UK’s Drugs and Firearms Licensing Unit as required to move controlled substances or products across state boundaries.
Examples of Quay’s development of controlled substances:
- Schedule I controlled substance for clinical trial use
- Schedule II controlled substance for commercial use
- Schedule IV controlled substance for Specials Supply